Thursday, January 19, 2006


man, blog!! its soo good to see you again. i give up on myspace, frankly, i didnt want to be on it to begin with, you know... on principle. then my sister made me one and i got sucked into that whole world for a little while. thanks GOD i got out. myspace is nice and all, but its not really my space. its not ever really real. its virtual space, and not what i need to even be doing with my time.
man, i cant believe i stayed healthy through the fall though. it was all over in december and january damnit. ive not been this sick since i was a kid i think. its like i stored up all the little colds i could have had over time and the turned into one whammy of a disaster. my dad didnt even think i was really sick and told me not to go to the doctor, i was sick though. my parting gifts for this 3 week fiasco were a sinus infection and the worst ear infection ive ever had (seriously the doctor said it was the worst ear he'd seen this week, crazy). so now im on the ole antibiotics and drinkin lots of water. its just super. at least i dont feel like im going to die anymore, right?
so i did read a book while i was sick, so there is an upside i guess. ive been listening to a lot of lectures on tape because theres nothing else to do in the 30 - 45 min drive i have to work everyday. i have heard some talks by rikk watts and marva dawn on the pastor and the prophetic ministry of jesus, and of course the NT Wright ones on apocloypse. they are all really good, but have left me wanting more, which is good since i am really hoping and praying that i get into seminary for the fall. that would be REALLY REALLY SUPER. but i hear that the best way to make god laugh is to tell god your plans. which i believe is probably true, but probably not as theologically sound as we would like it to be.
man this blog is dated, i gotta change the colors and stuff soon. its far to pink. i like pink, but not this much.
oh! the book i read... i read anne lammotte's "Traveling Mercies" and it was pretty awesome. its just stories from her life and her thoughts on faith. its beautifully written and not cheesy at all. i mean its kind of a trend in christian books to tell stories about your life and tie them to jesus, but she does it in a different way and sticks to a lexicon that the average person would appreciate. the stories she tells are ones that a lot of people can empathize with. i just really enjoyed her approach to life. "god loves us too much to let us stay the way we are" i learned so much from that book. i cant wait to read the next one called "plan b"
first im reading a book by kathleen norris called "amazing grace:a vocabulary of faith" its pretty good so far. she takes the "scary" words of teh faith and explains them in an intelligent and thoughtful way. i want to write a book like this someday. mine will be different though.
apparently the PC(USA) is attempting to bring young adults into the loop. my dad gave me this pamphlet that the church got in the mail. its SO cheesy!!! its called WE BELIEVE (i think thats a childrens cirriculum too), its short small group studies designed to be for young adults, ugh, jesus and the hip hop generation, mix it up: faith and politics, healthy living: stewardship of the body, checklist of life, discerning gods call, seekers, saints and other hypocrits, islam and christianity, urgency born of hope, the matrix and the gospel, beyond the outer limits.... i mean WHAT? apparently young adults have absolutely NO interest in studying the actually bible or anything that isnt really fakey pop culture rip offs. we dont want to just get together and enjoy being in a community of like minded individuals, or just of people who share a faith. no wonder i dont like going to church.
i think im done for now, but ill be back after my meds kick in again and my brain clears up...

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