Friday, November 18, 2005

im gonna try to stop being a hater!


Take Christmas back from advertisers and pagans this year by NOT giving presents!!
CELEBRATE by helping to put right some of the brokenness we have caused in the world! DONATE to your favorite charity, church or whatever organization you prefer in the name of the person for which you are giving. Work in a soup kitchen, invite over family and friends and listen and care about them instead of throwing presents at them and scooting them out the door. Celebrate the incarnation of Christ by honoring what that did for christians... gave us a relationship with God. for those in the dark about the term, its the act of grace by which Christ took our human nature in union with the Divine nature and became flesh! The union is hypostatical, i.e., is personal; the two natures are not muxed nor confounded, and it is perpetual;
Acts 20:28, Rom 8:32, 1Cor 2:8, Heb 2:11-14, 1 Tim 3:16, Gal 4:4. its crazy i know.
Quit being hypocritical and remember that if you say your a christian you shouldnt be distracted by santa claus. if you get the gimmies, cure them with the givies! you dont need all that poorly manufactured crap anyways, AND those sales arent real, these companies plan their year around christmas, so they can gouge you for every dime that you have! kind of like oil companies.
remember what we wouldnt have without christ (from a christian perspective), relationship with god (its not that im an evangelist, im an informant who reads too much doctrine. for real. i know you guys didnt think i could read, but it turns out... IM LITERATE! woo hoo)
Celebrate your relationships with friends and family to honor the incarnation of christ! woo hoo!
im gonna stop being a hater someday!

ok for real! i went and heard this really famous dude, NT Wright, Bishop of Durham
check out this site its pretty informative.
this dude is SO well read and he remembers it all. he did a fantastic job of highlighting empire in modernity and post modernity and then Jesus and Lord vs Caesar as Lord and the Power struggle in the current economic empire. i cant explain to you how glad i am that i was able to go!

so my notes are outside, so ill fill in the rest later!

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